About Me
My interest and commitment to the promotion of child and adult wellbeing and resilience building has been acknowledged by a number of accolades
Northern IrelandMillenniumAward
Awarded NI Millennium award to travel to San Diego, USA, to obtain leader accreditation in personal development and and wellbeing training
NAHT Walter Hines Page Scholarship
Awarded National Association of Head teachers’ scholarship to travel to Pennsylvania to research self-esteem building in schools
General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTNI Bursary)
Awarded bursary to complete Certificate in Life skills course/Institute of life skills, Westmeath
Winston Churchill Travelling Scholarship
Awarded Winston Churchill Traveling Fellowship to travel to Australia to research wellbeing and resilience building programmes and strategies for children and adults

Positive Pathways Counselling, Coaching, and Wellbeing Services
Who is Shauna Cathcart?
I am an Accredited BACP Counsellor/Psychotherapist holding a BSc. Hons degree (First Class) from PCI College Dublin. I have also completed a Diploma in Relationship Counselling with Relate NI in Belfast.
I am a qualified coach having gained a Diploma in Life and Business coaching from The Irish Life Coach Institute.
I work as a Wellbeing consultant, trainer and Leadership coach for Inspire Wellbeing in Belfast. I also run Positive Pathways, my private practice in Enniskillen.
Prior to working as a therapist and Professional coach I worked in the field of Education as a Primary school teacher, Vice-Principal and a school Principal.
My passion for wellbeing led me to be successfully seconded to The Regional Training Unit in Belfast to develop a suite of Wellbeing materials for schools across Northern Ireland to optimise achievement. This was funded by The Department of Education and Barnardos.
I have been privileged to sit on a number of Department of Education working groups focused on Promoting Emotional Health and Wellbeing for pupils and staff in schools. I also sat on Teacher Health & Wellbeing (THAW) working group developing a Strategy for Teacher Health & Wellbeing in Northern Ireland.
I am very fortunate that my interest and commitment to wellbeing has been recognised and I was awarded travel bursaries/scholarships to travel internationally to Australia, Canada and America to research best practice in wellbeing.
I frequently contribute to wellbeing conferences delivering talks and workshops on topics such as Stress management & Resilience building.
I am very committed to my own personal development and strive to keep up to date with new developments in wellbeing. I have been privileged to complete training programmes with some of the leading experts in the field such as Dr Rick Hanson, Dr Tony Humphreys, Dr Sue Roffey, Dr Toni Noble & Dr Les Greenberg.